Silk Road Books & Photos

Pakistan (Page 6 of 6)


Stewart, Jules

The savage border the story of the North West Frontier

2007 Hardback in mint dust wrapper. 256 pages first edition. SIGNED BY AUTHOR.



Wada, Akiko

Kalasha their life and tradition

2005 hardback with pictorial cover. 136 pages. Reprint by Sang –e-Meel. Lots of lovely colour photos of the Kalash , their clothes, locality, cultural heritage  and architecture by a Japanese lady who married a kalash man and lives in Kafiristan.                                                 



Wilber Donald N

Pakistan its People its Society its Culture

HRAF Press New Haven 1964, PP487 Survey of world cultures series. Tables, plates maps.



Wolpert, Stanley

Jinnah of Pakistan

1997 Paperback Mint paperback in publisher's seal. An important contribution to the study of one of the most significant episodes of modern history, the partition of India. Jinnahs role has been consistently distorted both in scholarly work and in the popular media as most recently in the Gandhi film.... Wolpert has suceeded in showing Jinnah as a rationalist of great intelligence and political ability, who was driven to become the spokesman for the partition of India by tides of Indian Nationalism....Ainslie T. Embree, Chairman, Department of History, Columbia University

This masterly biography of Pakistans Founder and Great Leader is also a thorough and objective study of the coming of political independence and partition to the Indian subcontinent. Holden Furber, Emeritus Professor of History, University of Pennsylvania




Shameful Flight

Historical account of partition includes an admission by Mountbatten that he  “f_ cked it(partition) up”. First edition in dust wrapper.



Yosufzai, M.Saeedullah Khan

Attractions of Swat

Historical Guide to Swat, 1st edition 1996 chapters include geography of Swat, history of Swat, historical sites, tourist spots, communication, epilogue, bibliography, and index. 33 black and white and colour plates and two maps. Includes language guide Pashto to English on two pages. 33 pages soft cover.      
